About National Award Center (NAC)
The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award China has designated Shanghai Intaward Culture and Technology Development company limited (Unified social credit code 91310110MAC2XY4A0D) to serve as the National Award Center, with key functions and responsibilities as below:
1. Full access. Any young person, wherever based on mainland China, can now register and participate in the Award through NAC. If your school has already been licensed as an Award Center, or your city has an Open Award Center, we encourage you to register with them for the access to the Award.
2. Continuity of facilitation. For those participants from AC/OAC whose license being terminated by NAO, the NAC will continue to provide facilitation for them to complete the Award.
3. Set Example. With standard service quality and fee policy, the NAC sets up an example for all AC/OACs.
4. VIP service packs. Apart from Standard service pack, there are Advanced and Premium service packs for VIP channels.
5. Improve Diversity. Use internal resources to cross-subsidize under-privileged youth, to help our strategic goal that by 2025, 20% of participants shall come from under-privileged backgrounds.
For any enquiries, please mail participant@intawardchina.cn
Updated: 2023.2