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爱丁堡公爵国际奖中国区官方公告 20231220 Official Notice from DofE China


本公告是为了介绍一项激动人心的升级 –在奖项授权、运营及执行方面。











We're issuing this official notice to introduce an exciting upgrade in terms of Award licensing, operations, and delivery.

Firstly, it is worthwhile to take a moment to reacquaint ourselves with the fundamental positioning and core values of the Duke of Edinburgh's International Award so that we can deploy and embark on responsible and meaningful work.

The Award, as a developmental framework for holistic education, is a highly inclusive umbrella framework. We are happy to see you use the Award as a foundational tool for your school's holistic education. It integrates with a wide range of existing extracurricular activities. In doing so, your educational syllabus becomes organized and systematically implemented, while the students are enriched in their overall learning experience without being overly burdened with extra work. Furthermore, when a level is completed (Bronze, Silver, or Gold), they are recognized with the prestigious International Accreditation!

DofE China is part of a network of global operators, The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award Association. The Association is finalizing the global 2030 strategy. Its main focus is the development of high-quality operational capacity and critical mass.DofE China subsequently confirmed our 2030 strategic goals in line with the global goals: world-class operational systems, high-quality delivery partners, and diverse participation landscape.

Aiming for this wonderful vision, DofE China team promise to do our best to focus our energy on our diligent and responsible partners. We are working on a roadmap that includes more coherent and high-quality licensing, training, operational support, annual review and evaluation. In addition, we will share best cases/experiences with all delivery partners through online and offline activities of FoA (Friends of the Award) promptly and efficiently.

In response to the global and local strategies and goals, we are announcing the following call of action to all AC (Award Centres) and OAC (Open Award Centres):

Starting 2024, a minimum benchmark of 25 new annual Award registrations or 5% penetration (the ratio of annual new Award registrations to eligible young people in your school), and an Annual award completion rate of 25% (the ratio of completion No. in the current year to the registration No. in the previous year) will be established for all new applicants or existing ACs and OACs that wish to continue to hold a licence. These are only minimum benchmarks; higher achievements will be recognized in the annual 5-star evaluation for our delivery partners.

We are proposing this minimum benchmark because the annual report shows that in 2022-2023, quite a portion of the 160 licensed ACs and OACs have less than five new annual registrations, and the completion rate is also quite low.

We communicate this honestly because we have a shared responsibility: to provide a friendly environment and support for the holistic development of every young person. We can't stop at the superficial level but should make best efforts to fulfill the responsibility.

Let’s work together in 2024. From 2025 and onwards, it will be truly prestigious to receive and hold an Award Licence. It means that your school is very serious about holistic education, worked hard for it, and has made remarkable achievements. Our ultimate pride comes from the young people who grow through the Award journey and create infinite goodness to the world. We are all gardeners, nurturing for the flowers in spring and the fruits in autumn.

As always, thank you for your great support to the holistic development of young people!