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Adventurous Journey - Recognized Activity Provider List 2024

Delivery Area: National Level

* Guangzhou Leadclimb 广州市领攀户外运动中心

* Insight Adventures 上海唯联国际旅行社有限公司(鹰赛探险)

* Shanghai Bamboo Garden International Travel Service Co., Ltd 上海竹园国际旅行社有限公司

* Shanghai Zendo Travel Agency Co., Ltd  上海真途旅行社有限公司

* WildChina Travel Co Ltd  北京碧山国际旅行社有限公司

* YMCE Group Co., Ltd   游美营地(北京)教育科技有限公司

Delivery Area:Prefecture Level

* 3x - Power Exploration EduTech Ltd  三极探索(北京)教育科技有限公司 - Inner Mongolia Alxa League (Tengger Desert)

* Beijing Thywing International Travel 北京思远尚旅国际旅行社有限公司 - Fuzhou

* Brilliance Camp 上海光华卓越教育科技有限公司 - Yancheng

* Indier Outdoor Education Limited Company 深圳市英迪尔户外教育有限公司 - Ninghai

* Jingxing International Travel Agency 内蒙古景行国际旅行社有限公司 - Baotou

* Jianfei Sports  健飞国际体育文化传播(北京)有限公司 - Jilin

* Minihiker 童行(北京)国际旅行社有限公司 (童行者) - Hangzhou

* Suzhou Zhuiyue 苏州追悦体育文化传播有限公司 - Suzhou

Delivery Area:Municipality directly under the central government & Provincial Level

* G Camp 潍坊歌尔农场有限公司(安丘歌尔营地) - Shandong

* Migratory Bird Camp (Shanghai) Education Technology Co., Ltd 候鸟营地(上海)教育科技有限公司 - Shanghai

Voluntary Service - Recognized Activity Provider List 2024

* Raleigh 贞丰县雷励公益服务中心 - Guizhou

* Sanguo 上海徐汇区三果青年发展

Recognized Activity Provider (RAP)

A RAP is a legal entity that provides outdoor activities that are closely related to the Award’s sections to the young people and is recognized by China NAO as suitable to provide outsourced Award service to ACs and OACs, with at least 2 full time staff properly trained by China NAO.
RAPs provide:
* Assurance that all staff on the Award team have completed China NAO’s level 1 training and obtained training certificate.
* Updated list of trained staff, publicly available in a timely fashion.
* Annual list of ACs/OACs they have provided service to, and annual compilation of Award events on a voluntary basis.

* Responsibility of upholding the Award’s brand and reputation.

What organizations qualify as a RAP?

Becoming a RAP means that you will join the global Award family for the purpose of facilitating youth development, and together shoulders the responsibility of disseminating and upholding the Award values and brand reputation. Applying to be a RAP in mainland China is at the discretion of China NAO.

The requirements are:

* A legal entity with reputable regional or national business impact;
* Provides outdoor activities that are closely related to the Award sections to the young people;
* Adequate resources for Award facilitation, including activity experience, qualified personnel, solid internal policies and trainings, etc.
